What is the company stock/ticker symbol?

Common shares of Stack Capital Group Inc. trade under the symbol "STCK" on the TSX.

Where is head office located?
The registered head office of Stack Capital Group Inc. is:
155 Wellington Street West, Suite 3140
Toronto, ON
M5V 3H1

When is the fiscal year-end?
December 31.

How can I obtain financial statements?
Stack's corporate filings, including its financial statements, can be found on SEDAR (www.sedar.com).

How do I contact Investor Relations?
Brian Viveiros, VP Corporate Development & Investor Relations

As a shareholder, where can I access additional information about the company?
Stack Capital Group Inc. is a publicly listed company and, as such, shareholder information is distributed strictly through press releases, its website, or through the SEDAR website. Shareholders may also email questions to brian@stackcapitalgroup.com.

Where can I find information concerning the leadership team at Stack Capital?
Please refer to our Corporate tab, where links to the Management team, Board of Directors, and Advisory Board are available.

Who is the Independent Auditor for Stack Capital Group Inc.?

Who is the legal counsel for Stack Capital Group Inc.?
Fogler, Rubinoff LLP.

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